☆ In this section you can find the new drops coming soon , the latest drops , as well as News about Norelul and upcoming projects ☆ ❃ ♡

☆ Camisa DPR ☆

✿ Esta camisa forma parte del 2do item de nuestro drop DPR x Norelul. Estará disponible bajo pre orden del 13 al 31 de Agosto :)

Let´s See!!! ☻

☆Basics Norelul ☆

Ya estan aqui nuestros nuevos básicos Norelul para que te acompañen siempre, de una forma cool y cómoda :)

♥︎ I WANT IT ♥︎

Norelu Look

The life of Norelul begins once you wear your clothes through your voice and unique aesthetics ♡♥︎♡

So we want to see you and pimp you out ☻ use the #norelulook ✦ so we can see you and share your combo with our Norelul Crew

#Norelulook ✶